
From PyPI using pipenv

If your project’s dependencies are managed by pipenv, simply proceed to your project’s directory and invoke following command:

$ pipenv install --dev mockify

That will install most recent version of the library and automatically add it into your project’s development dependencies.

From PyPI using virtualenv and pip

If you are using virtualenv in your project, just activate it and invoke following command:

$ pip install mockify

That will install most recent version of the library.

You can also add Mockify to your requirements.txt file if your project already has one. After that, you can install all dependencies at once using this command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Directly from source using virtualenv and pip

You can also install Mockify directly from source code by simply invoking this command inside active virtual Python environment:

$ pip install git+[branch-or-tag]

This will allow you to install most recent version of the library that may not be released to PyPI yet. And also you will be able to install from any branch or tag.

Verifying installation

After installation you can print installed version of Mockify library using following command:

$ python -c "import mockify; print(mockify.__version__)"

That command will print version of installed Mockify library. If installation was not successful, the command will fail.

Now you should be able to start using Mockify.